Just for the record the other poster stated that the separation into three races was
not logical, but that certain people could be more readily identified with other people based on traits that visibly express, such as dark skin, wide noses, and short, curley hair in the case of Negroids.
Straight, dark, hair, as well as shorter stature and rounded features characterizes mongoloids.
Lighter complection and more angular features typifies caucasiod peoples.
In light of this I beg to differ with your statement that:
Our racial categories of negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid are based on historical and cultural opposition to various subcultures and have absolutely nothing to do with genetic traits and are not logical conclusions to phenotypical variation.
Now there are individuals, and in some cases entire ethnic groups that blur the lines of these major destinctions, but if one must identify a person by race (a practice I frown upon, personally), I see no reason to deny the very obvious differences, phenotypicaly speaking, of peoples originating from sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and the Caucasus Mountains.
So what we really seem to have is an argument between the social anthropologist, the biologist, and the realist. What is undeniable is that groups native to similar parts of the world display similar traits.