Yes abortion and slavery... practically the same thing. If abortion ever is outlawed the fetuses will still have a few hundred years of systemic and institutional oppression to deal with.
But you know, once they're born, whatever, who gives a fuck about 'em?
I don't as long as i don't have to pay taxes to subsidize someone else's mistake whom i forced to follow through with.
I read a quote from this christian murderer in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I can only paraphrase, but he basically said that god was going to reward him for ultimately giving his life to "save" these parasitic mushbags.
it seems like this guy may have a lot in common with suicide bombers in israel, and the 9/11 jackers. All murdered for rewards in the afterlife. Score one for martyrdom.
Last edited by filtherton; 09-06-2003 at 11:02 AM..