The 3/4 swing thing never worked for me when I started playing, someone else told me that too. However, I found it was harder to think about where your going to stop your swing, and getting your hips around on a 3/4 swing is a little tougher.
Relax, just swing free, let your natural swing do the work for you. When you start hitting the ball consistently in the middle of the club, and your swing feels comfortable, then you can work on giving it the 'ol steroid jerk. Keep your eyes on the ball! I took a few lessons, and that was a major problem. I never even knew it, but even when I was a 15 handicap, I hardly ever kept my eyes at the ball. I took the lessons, and my handicap in 1 year went from a 15 to a 6. Keeping my head down, getting the hips through the shot were 2 major things.
Just relax, and have fun. It's hard, I've been playing for 17 years. Took me 15 of them to get to be a decent player. =)