Well, meff is my husband and we've had some very interesting conversations about this. I used to work with someone whose mom was a psychiatrist. My coworker asked me "What if what they're seeing is real, and we just can't see it?" A very interesting question, although not that plausible.
One *very* interesting thing is that schizophrenics are hyperobservant. Often, meff will notice patterns that I don't, like "Oh, we just had that cab driver last Tuesday" or "Hmm, that's the third Ford Taurus in a row, just a different color". I feel certain that if we were out walking, he'd notice danger before I would. I look in recessed doorways, make sure no one is following me, etc, but I feel certain that that "certain something", that hyperobservantness that he has, would notice danger before I do. He'd be more likely to notice when something is out of place. Schizophrenics don't like to have things out of place, maybe that's why he notices the patterns so much more often than I do.
By the way, I've spoken with many spouses/family members of schizophrenics, and schizophrenics generally have that hyperobservantness.
Do they see stuff we don't? Certainly, hallucations and delusions. At the same time, not only meff, but others have had the experience of having a "bad feeling" about something, and then having that thing come true. Is it psychic ability? Or just that hyperobservantness? Probably the latter, but it's an interesting question.
"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead" Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac.
Meff r0x