bah, people get so mad at a person for speaking their opinions, especially if he/she is famous. if he meant it, so what? if he was mis-quoted? that's fine too, who cares? most famous people are idiots, we all know that... no surprise... but when they voice their opinion about something it is because they are using their popularity to an advantage.
any mega star you see that actually wants to make an anti-bush or anti-government message, and actually does so, is taking the chance of losing their jobs. it is more logical for Depp to have been the victim of miscommunication than for him to want to throw his entire career down the proverbial toilet.
Political arguments do not exist, after all, for people to believe in them, rather they serve as a common, agreed-upon excuse. Foolish people who take them in earnest sooner or later discover inconsistencies in them, begin to protest and finish finally and infamously as heretics.