Originally posted by Lebell
Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated since 1934.
You have to cough up a hefty amount of money and submit your name and fingerprints to the FBI for a lengthy criminal background check.
After that, you can count on spending several thousand dollars to get the cheapest of automatic weapons.
This includes M16's and AK47's (select fire).
I can recall only one time in the last 20 years or so that an automatic weapon was used in a crime.
So, with that in mind, why ban them?
Check out how much fun you can have shooting them:
(moved to politics)
Actually, only one crime has been comitted with a legally owned Class 3 NFA device (full auto weapons for our purposes) since 1935. A cop shot a man with his MAC-10.
Now, this might make it seem like the ban works, but what about illegal gun crime? Only 1 percent of all gun crime in Miami involves a machine gun in any way. That was about as high as it gets. There is no reasonable, logical, sound argument for taking such weapons away from law-abiding citizens. For whatever lawful reason it may be used, a citizen is fully within their rights to do so.
The NFA is completely unconstitutional, and should be repealed. So should every ban, restriction, repeal and other ordinance action since then. As Barrel shrouds and bayonet lugs do not kill people, individuals who use weapons of any kind maliciously kill people.