Originally posted by TheKak
When was the M-14 standard issue for the US military? I cant really remember when it started, but the Navy still uses it as its standard rifle for long range applications (it actually has a slightly longer range than the M-16, though it doesnt have a burst or fully auto capability without modifications). Our ship has 5 inch cannons too, those things are badass.
The M-14 was standard issue after Korea. The Long Range application rifle is actually the M-21 or just a DMR version of the M-14. When you DMR-ify a rifle, you add a heavyweight barrel, and in most, except the G3/SG-1 for example, you remove the selector system. Also, where the M-16 has a general effective targeting range out to about 500 meters, the M-14 can easily be put to work for targets as far as 1000 meters away. That's why the Marines still use 'em. Normal M-14 rifles started out full auto, but were stricken of that ability after it was found to be generally ineffective and a total waste of ammo.