Listening to Krazixs' suggestion, Thantos likes what he hears but responds with caution.
"Krazixs...I agree with your logic, however, what happens if we come upon the main hallway and it is a place we have already been? Then we need to retrace our steps all the way back to here. Hmm.. I'm not sure what we should do. I guess our options are: 1) go down to the courtyard and try to find a main entrance (Vinoh can levitate a few people down, Darghon can carry a few people and I can climb). 2) Do as we were doing and continue walking across the ramparts to the farther reaches of the castle. 3) Go down one level to the corridor that we left (Attrah's shield can help clean that corridor of cobwebs and traps). 4) Head out of the castle and into the surrounding countryside.
Are there any other choices? My vote is for 1 or 3. "
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