Originally posted by ctembreull
You don't live in CA, Mojo, so I don't expect you to understand. We live differently out here. We kinda understand that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants; I'd bet we understand it better than most states do. We don't look at illegals as the problem. We look at them as part of what makes California work so well. You may disagree, but that's fine - just don't move to California. I like it here, and I applaud the Governor for signing this bill.
This could be the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. I understand that the United States is a nation of immigrants, if you follow the protocol. Jumping over a fence doesn't make them LEGAL immigrants or welcome here. Further more if you think Gray Davis is doing this out of the goodness and compassion of his heart you are a sap. Also it does effect me Because Border Patrol, THe locking up and deporting of the illegals (locking up in federal prisons), the DEA attempting to stop the drug flow brought with the immigrants, are all federally funded. Furthermore I live in a farm town up in Minnesota with a high Mexican population, if you think they are "legal" because they live up here you are sorely mistaken. There has been many cases where they are driving illegally and they get in accidents, they escape from the hospital in the middle of the night because they have no insurance.