Originally posted by quadro2000
I award you partial credit. I asked the question because there is actually a lot of controversy over who is singing those lines. First off, John also sings the word "Yesterday" right before the "She Loves You" part. Second off, I think it's been determined that both John AND Paul sing the lines together, and they actually might be singing "she loves to/she'd love to" instead of "she loves you."
This will probably be of no interest to anybody but Warrrreagl, but check out this webpage, which goes into way more detail than anybody needs...but I did find it fascinating:
All You Need Is Love: The Story So Far
Let me know what you think!
Fascinating website, thanks. They touched on my reason for naming John as the singer, because I can still picture him in the film singing that part at the end. It was also a great source of irritation for the maturing Lennon that people were still begging for him to sing "She Loves You," and he was often quoted as saying that he would rather quit music entirely than have to sing "She Loves You" when he was 30.
I started a thread a while back about putting together a fantasy concert for John Lennon if he were still alive. It would be something similar to what Paul keeps doing (new stuff mixed in with all the old Beatle favorites). However, the more I think about it, the less I can ever picture John Lennon "stooping" to the level of rehashing his old Beatle songs.
I'm thankful to have seen Paul in concert singing those old tunes, but there is a certain dignity with Lennon's death in that he will never have to do that.
That may be the dumbest thing I've ever typed, but it's what I feel.