Originally posted by seretogis
Them thar preppy californee kids that I see on "The OC" need ta gets demselves a hardwerkin job anyways!
On a more serious note, 49 other states seem to do fine without legalizing illegal immigrants. Also, unemployment is on the rise, Americans need those jobs.
Believe me when I say I agree--I didn't grow up in the heart of conservative California and I would love nothing more than to see the affluent around here bust their asses and try to live on their measly paycheck and exclaim that everyone is in his or her socioeconomic position as a result of one's intiative and hardwork (or lack thereof).
Here's an article that really elucidates the disparity between the labor side of the state and the OC types:
The simple fact of the matter is that 46 of those states aren't directly connected to Mexico and the people we're discussing have been working here for years--most of them for decades. AFAIK, there isn't anything other than their own choices barring residents from working under the table for pennies on the dollar.
If you believe in a free market economy you have to allow labor the freedom to move with the capital. The freedom of labor to follow capital is an essential component of liberalized trade. We've already implemented agreements that lifted barriers to capital movement--now we have to allow labor to move freely or we upset the balance of a market economy which will artificially fluctuate the demand and supply. Frankly, I'm surprised that someone like yourself would now promote government intervention in the market economy.