Dear RIAA,
I would like to give you ALL MY personal information so you won't sue me for sharing songs that I paid for with my hard earned money. I would also like to inform you that I have already deleted all the songs on my pc that took me many hours to put on there.
I would also like to infrom you that I have destroyed my cassette tape collection of songs that I recorded off the radio, especially the whole albums they play on KLOS's Sunday program known as the 7th Day.
Wait.......I changed my mind...I have now decided that I will do all these things when you stop over inflating the prices of CD's I am forced to buy just to get one song,when you start paying the musicians the money they are really entitled to,when you stop trying to throw your weight around and scare people because your sales have dropped and now you can't buy Johnny the G I Joe with the Kung Foo grip for christmas, but most of all I will do the above things described when you also do your part.
So I guess in others words........GO FUCK YOURSELF!!
Have a blessed day