RIAA will never get me, I've got a small incendiary device attached to my computer's hard drive (inside it) that will run a buttload of current through it .001 seconds before several small charges (road flare compound) is ignited inside. Thus reducing it to a fried and melted peice of crap that no information can be retrieved from while doing no damage to the rest of the PC.
There are several triggers on my pc that even a bomb squad would be hard pressed to find and disarm.
1. is a photodiode that will activate the device if it is exposed to light.
2. is a switch that catches if the pc case is opened.
3. is a mercury switch that triggers if the pc is at all tilted or picked up.
4. is a keypad on the front of the computer deactivating switches # 2, and 3.
They will find it pretty hard to prosecute me without any actual evidance to show other than a record of how many GB's were transfered through Kazaa and IRC within the last month.
Plus I'm Canadian!