Hey I just found this wrestling post and have been reading it for over an hour now!
Hate to point things out but Shawn Micheals superkicked Marty to the floor then he picked him up and throw him through the Barber Shop window not kicked him throw it!
Agree - Kevin Nash can't wrestle and neither can Freakstiener, Testicle, Prince Albert(A-Train whatever), Undertaker, Hogan, and the biggest non-wrestler of all Goldberg(but I do like his Dragon Leg-whip).
Hurricane is great, great moves, great sells and I love the superhero charater.
Can wrestle - Malenko, Shawn Michaels(whoelse have you seen slap on a shortarm leglock), Chris the Crippler, Eddie Gurrero, Jamie Noble, to name but a few.
As stated earlier, why oh why are they no true Tag teams anymore, bring back Power and Glory, The Headshrinks, The Skyscrapers, The Buchwakers, Heavenly Bodies, Killer Bees, The British Bulldogs(RIP DAVY), HartFoundation, The Rockers, Demolition................granted some of these were rather poor on the techical wrestling front but at leats they were a tag team and not a couple of individual wrestlers.
Ok question, what is everyines take on Stephanie McMahon - my opion(for what its worth) is she can't wrestle, can't act and that voice just hurts my ears and has she had two enlargement op's or just one, cos I swear they have grow twice!
PS In UK we get almost all of the WWE pay-per-views for free(or at no extra cost) but that all we get nothing else just WWE, which kinda makes me sad as I miss all the guys who have left for smaller promo's.......................and by now you proably know where I 'pinched' my anme from....
PSS - If they is a god thanks be to him that Hogan is not on my dam screen anymore... jeez I can through a puch, a closeline and a legdrop and i'm not a pro-wrestler so why the hell is(hopefully was) he......
Beer improves framerate.....