Originally posted by Double D
Um, he has been a resident of France for what, upwards of a decade now? Doesn't *running off* somewhere, have a statute of limitations?
So Americans can only express their opinions on the Untied States while in the United States?
Also, with global communications as it is, it's not like we are going to be unaware of his remarks.
We're *discussing* them almost moments after they were made public.
What would we do if he dared to speak his mind here, lynch him?
We're doing a great job of vilifying him right now.
Certainly not. As I said before I would respect his opinion had he made it known here.
After all, he was in the 'States all summer plugging his movie. Why didn't he mention it then?
I also have a problem with the fact that he told his kids to go experience the US, then discard it. Isn't that the same attitude he is bitching about us having?
He is spineless.