Originally posted by Marius1
LMAO, Americans sue people at the drop of a hat. :lol:
I'm sure if the Sun called Bush something libelous around election time he'd be on them like a rash too. :crazy:
You're wrong. It is expressly forbidden under French law to insult the French president. The government went as far as punishing a foreign newspaper; meanwhile, their own presses were busy assailing Bush and Blair.
Bush wouldn't sue because he can't. Insulting the president is protected speech (threatening the president is not, however). I can safely sit here at the computer and say, "President George W. Bush is a slimy, namby-pamby, poncy, WASP monkey" and not worry about any potential repercussions. Many worse insults were hurled at George Bush (and Al Gore and Ralph Nader) but no lawsuits were filed. America is one of the few countries in the world tolerant enough to allow this. That's why I now live here, and not out there.
Johnny is a top geezer who proves that not all americans are insular fascists.
I take it you've lived most of your life in Wales. You're lucky. Wales is a beautiful place, and the Welsh language is like music.
When I was born, my home country was still a military dictatorship. Trust me when I say America is nowhere near an insular fascism. I wouldn't be here if it was. George W. Bush is not leading the country to fascism. Economic ruin, perhaps. A "fascist" police state, I think not.
-- Alvin