again like i said, theres a difference between the gun and the ribbon incident.
1. A person with a gun is 100% more likley to kill someone else on accident than a person with a ribbon.
2. A firearm is designed to kill, that is its primary function. nothing more. You may use it for shooting clay pidgeons, that still doesnt change what the intent of the design is.
3. Guns are not allowed in some countries, this means all murders done are actually murders. You cannot "accidentally" knife someone 14 times in the chest.
4. Because of the accidental nature (fabricated or not) of some firearms killings, that little grey area allows many criminals to walk away scott free.
So tell me again how a ribbon vs a gun has ANYTHING to do with intent vs accident.
If you remove the probablility of accidents. There wont be any.
I've always been a big fan of medieval ages anyways, at least people who killed eachother did so with skill, and not a stupid trigger reaction (yeah lets kill amish children, yay!)
poo on guns, poo on this subject.
Yeah it is your right to own a killing tool. I just really dislike how efficient it is at killing when it kills people on accident too.
Thats poor design.