That's the kind of speculation that I love to hear when people want to restrict my civil liberties. It should be easy for a normal citizen to get a firearm.
I disagree. I find it funny that people such as yourself will complain about civil liberties yet elect people that are trying to take them away. It is not a 2 way street.
I am not trying to restrict your civil liberties. I don't care if you have a gun. I care about what type, how easy it is for any Joe blow to get one, and how you store said guns.
Stricter testing? For what? Should we initiate a stupid-teenager test to see how the individual reacts? You can't test for stupidity in human beings.
Mental stability, education level, gun safety knowledge, and basic laws and regulations should all be tested.
Actually I wasn't all that offended, just annoyed. Poor choice of wording on my part. I'm sure the murder was a tragedy for the friends and family of the deceased, and if I recall correctly it was you who seemed to indicate I should feel remorse for the death of a child. Now that the situation has changed, the rhetoric is gone isn't it?
The fact of the matter is that you are blindly grasping at straws. You see that a gun was involved, and immediately jump down my throat and assume I'm a gun-toting idiot. Face it; gun control is not the solution here.
Main Entry: trag·e·dy
Pronunciation: 'tra-j&-dE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -dies
1 a : a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man b : a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror c : the literary genre of tragic dramas
2 a : a disastrous event : CALAMITY b : MISFORTUNE
3 : tragic quality or element
I do not consider murder a tragedy. It might fall under number 2 but still think it is far worse than that. I am sure the friends and family are NOT using the word tragedy when speaking of this. That is a word used to make it not so bad. I think they would use the word Horrific.
Nothing has changed. I still see you not showing any remorse for the child. I didn't jump down your throat because I thought you were a gun toting anything. I jumped down your throat because you said, "It's obvious he didn't intend to kill anyone, or at least that's the impression I got based on the limited information provided. It seems to me like he just shot into a cornfield, figuring he could scare them away." basically trying to make it so that they guy with the gun wasn't really in the wrong it was those damn kids with their tomatoes.
You're right, it is a blatant attack. Your morals and judgement are wrong; throwing money into more laws and restrictions will do nothing more than inconvenience people who have done nothing wrong.
Yeah nothing wrong with shooting kids in a cornfield.
If a person wants to kill someone, they're going to kill them with any means available. The fact that a gun is better at it then a ribbon is irrelevant; a weapon is only deadly when used.
Exactly what would you consider to be an ideal level of gun control?
Yes, but like I said with a ribbon it is a lot easier to get away now isn't it? I do not find this irrelevant.
Ideal level of gun control would be no handguns for the public (never happen). No automatic weapons in the hands of the public. Semi-automatic weapons should be regulated with strict testing on gun education, mental stability, and you should need personal references before purchase. All guns should be listed in a public database for tracking and public safety. All guns should be stored in a locked cabinet unloaded. People who own guns and have children should be required to put the children through gun safety and education classes.
I am not saying that stricter laws will prevent all murder and all gun violence. I think it will help our current situation though. Yes it may inconvenience some people because to by their gun it may take a few extra days but if you want to be a hunter it isn't that much of an inconvenience.
This here is an extreme stance. I know that. I also know it will never happen but you asked what level of gun control I was after. This is it.