Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
I can't get enough of the journals. It would be cool if it counted towards your post-count, but this would probably end up with too much participation or people spamming their journals. I also wish you could put links and images in them too, but maybe TFP just doesn't have the resources to allow this much stuff.
After spending an hour or more commenting in other's journal, I used to really wish that my journal comments *counted* towards post-count. I rationalized though, that they count in a unique way--in the way they touch a single person--in a different way than posting to the entire community does.
I have also had the impulse to put links and images in my journal, but alas, it appears for the time being, our journals are staying a bit lower tech than the rest of the board.
That's okay with me, they still rock!
Edit: Now that I've had my daily mug of coffee, it occurs to me that one can indeed post a link in a journal.
I just don't know how
