Originally posted by viejo gringo
"15 to 23 year olds" is not exactly kids. We have 3, 15 year olds
that were convicted of murder yesterday. They strangeled one
of the kids grand mother with a ribbon---but they are not even
trying to ban the use of ribbons....
guns don't kill---people do...
those people in the cornfield were old enough to know there is a consequence for their actions.
I hate this argument because it is an irrational statement that is like apples and oranges. I can kill you with a ribbon sure but can I do it from 200 yards without you even knowing? You could also try choking me with a ribbon and I bet I could get loose or at least hurt you enough that you would stop choking me. With a gun you can just shoot me dead from a distance. There is a difference.
Do you also feel that murder is a good consequence for throwing a tomato at a car?