Originally posted by DelayedReaction
Hate to tell ya, but I don't own any guns. So don't assume that everyone who looks objectively at a situation and disagrees with your opinion is some kind of gun-loving nuthead
I appologize for my assumption.
What good would come of tighter gun laws in this situation? The child's life certainly wouldn't have been saved; the farmer already owned the weapon
Probably true, but just maybe someone who could do something stupid like this couldn't pass a tougher test to get a gun. I know I can go into Wal-Mart right now and by a shotgun. All they do is check my criminal history and have me fill out a form. It is very, very easy to get a gun.
And how tight would the law have to be to prevent this kind of tragedy? Did the man demonstrate some kind of mental illness or a criminal record? Was there indications of something that should have prevented him from owning a firearm? Most likely there was no reason that he shouldn't own that shotgun, so tighter gun laws would do nothing in this case
Honestly I was making the statement in general that when stuff like this happens and someone brings up gun control everyone gets up in arms about their right to own guns and so on. In this case now that I have reread it I agree that this probably could not have been prevented other than stricter testing at the initial gun purchase.
What offends me is your need to turn a tragedy into some kind of moral justification for a political cause
For one I don't find murder to be a tragedy. Two, when else should you make a moral justification for a political cause? I think this is a perfect time to talk about preventing things like this from happening again. I am also sorry you get offended so easily.
Is that all this child means to you? Justification?
This is a blatant attack on my morals and judgment to try and provoke a negative response. I will not give you one. I value all life and feel that most of the gun violence today could be prevented with tighter laws and restrictions.