Judaism is an ever-changing religion that never arrives at one certain truth. We accept that we do not know FOR SURE, but we also understand that it is part of life to search for meaning, and derive safety and belief from some sort of system. I am a conservative Jew, and as such, obey specific rules of the Talmud (Jewish Law), including, keeping kosher (kashrut). Keeping kosher by abstaining from trafe (pork, shellfish and the like) is not because it is written somewhere that doing so will break the world in half. It is a TEST. Jews believe that life is a series of tests and is all about accepting limits and challenges. I do not eat trafe because it is a TEST for me. An example of how I can limit something from my life, for the sole purpose of knowing that I challenged myself, and that I can focus enough and have the self control enough not to do something for the hell of it. It is not a damnable trespass, it is just a challenge.