pfft, they won't be gone in 5 yrs. that's such a joke, with tv's going the way of HighDef, it takes a BluRay disc (26 gigs?) just for 2 hrs of HD quality. Compare that with 2 hrs on DVD @ 4 gigs...which even in 5 years jumps in technology to increase bandwidth would still make it nearly impossible to stream a dvd with even the FASTEST equipment/internet connection. the fastest my provider even offers is like 1.5MBps which is like what ...around 187kb/sec at MAX (more like actual optimal conditions would be 150 and most people would see like 110-130) So a SINGLE SIDED, SINGLE LAYER dvd movie would take like what...8 seconds per meg at optimal, about 4200 megs on a DVD-5 (single layer) or 560 minutes for on average a 110 minute movie.
vide on demand my butt
it would take mebbe a 4MBps internet connection (4,000kbps) to make dvd on demand possible.
now of course u might say 'but wait, with compression u can take a movie to sayyy 1200 megs with divx or other algorithms' pfft....these things make the movie look terrible on large screen tvs. i've seen what a dvd originally at around 6 gigs transcoded to 4.3gbs looks like on a large screen HD tv...its HORRIBLE.
long story shit
its not gonna happen