Originally posted by Renegade
I'm done with this discussion. Its clear you guys don't mind nintendo forcing shit on you. You guys can have FF:CC! As for me I'm fed up with Nintendo's shitty policies. I don't think I'll be picking up the next console. Besides Square is just making FF:CC so they can publish on the GBA anyway. There's no way it'll be as good as Secret of Mana was.
Comedy gold right there.
Why do people always have to convince someone else how to best spend their time/money? Its called thining for YOURSELF and people should do it more often.
I respect the fact that you aren't going to buy this game, that you think the multi-player concept is lame and you have issues with capitalist companies trying to make money when you'd rather spend it on your mom or hookers or something. But turning blue in the face because other people don't feel the same way is lame.
Enjoy playing some other game and learn to agree to disagree and respect other people's opinions.