Originally posted by God of Thunder
This concept matured with Sgt. Pepper and those that followed, but it started with Revolver. Brian Wilson has said he got the idea for Pet Sounds from listening to it. And, of course we all know that Pet Sounds led to Sgt. Pepper.
So-called "serious" composers usually pick out Revolver as the first significant pop album that could be passed off as true "art."
I'll never forget watching a documentary on the Beach Boys and listening to them tell the story of what happened when they first heard Sgt. Pepper.
They had finished Pet Sounds (exactly as you said) as an "answer" to Revolver, and they were all feeling pretty good about themselves. They were all in the studio one evening having a meeting and feeling smug, and then someone walked in with an acetate dub of Sgt. Pepper.
After the first three songs, they stopped it, looked at each other, and said, "Oh shit!"