Originally posted by docbungle
You have no idea what they've already been through that day or that week, and maybe your little prank is the last in a long line of shitty things that this person is willing to take that day.
When will people learn: do not FUCK with people because things like this happen all the time.
I think that docbungle has a handle on this. These days people are under an enormous amount of pressure. Super long work weeks...assuming that there is a job to go to, Crappy economy, global terrorism, and the list could be endless...you get the idea. Now add some fun loving Amish kids to the mix. They really meant no harm. They were just blowing off some steam. But on <i>this</i> particular day they just so happened to pick the wrong guy to mess with. This was the straw that broke his camel's back. He fought back, and with a vengeance. Rational thought is totaly out the window. Tradgedy ensues. Lives are destroyed. I think that if you peel away the ironic and macabre humor of it, you'll find that it's not going to be as simple as some whack-job going out and blowing some kids away with a shot gun.