Originally posted by Troublebot
I was only mildly annoyed when I first heard her music. Another pop songstress that could easily be ignored.
I got pissed when she came out talking about punk and saying she didn't need to listen to anyone who came before her.
I wanted to drop her in a vat of broken glass when she mispronounced the name of one of the most influential voices in rock, David Bowie.
Hey, if you care enough about music that you make it your career, would you mind learning something about it before getting packaged up and sent out into the world? Tie wearing freak.
I also forgot to mention that I do hate her for making that whole tie-wearing thing "the new cool."
Silly as it may sound, I was doing that years before she started. Damn it.
BTW, how many 17 year old girls do you know that know who Bowie is? I mean really know, not just having heard his name.