If you're making music to make money then STOP MAKING MUSIC, because you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
I agree here, but it still doesn't make the situation between the band's pay and the suits piece of the pie justified. They should get a higher % of the profits if anything, not the suits, so thats a shame... But even so you're right.
I hope this backfires in a major way against the RIAA. Its not just annoyance at the prices of CDs or their lawsuits being filed - but IMO the legal basis (unfortunately with Congress backing) is ridiculous and IMO unconstitutional. I think the most ridiculous thing I've heard is how some Congressman wanted to allow the RIAA to hire hackers to hack and shut down the computers of offending downloaders. That didn't pass - but even the thought of it getting any consideration in congress is mind boggling.