Today, in my comm. college parking lot, me and my friend spotted a lady getting in her car ready to leave. She took about... I'd say 4-5 long minutes fussing with her hair and make up before she actually backed out of the lone spot. She had both her windows down on her way off so I pulled the best Connery voice I could and said in a loud voice "Youuuu shilly cunt!" just so that she could hear. Me n my friend got a good kick out of that throughout the night.
One time, on a one lane highway, a fellow in front of me dangerously moved into the opposite lane (and NOT during the passing broken yellow markers) to pass some family van that he never got more then three car lengths ahead anyway, and he had to cut them off to do it without risking a head on. I yelled for him to f*ck himself when he took his turn off.
This one lady was running against my mother for school board about a year or so ago, and my mom really didn't like her. The day before the election was set, she was standing next to a busy highway (anyway who knows half moon bay can attest to hwy 92's traffic) holding a sign promoting herself. I honked and gave her the finger, and she made the absolute funniest suprise look.
Nothing that ever had any risk of real confrontation, I suppose.