Thanks for the replies. She recognizes she is very insecure and she freely admits it, but it seems that's all she does. We've recently been having a few ather large arguments about her clinginess and her seeming inability to accept that time apart (or even not constantly holding hands) is healthy and good.
I'm going to leave it for a week or two and see how it goes when we're not holding hands all the time. We're both adults and I like to act and be treated as one, and constant holding hands seems so juvenile to me.
And motdakasha, thanks for telling me you're not fond of too much public displays of affection. Sometimes it's nice to see it, but usually I find it incredibly inappropriate to see couples all over each other while everyone else has to politely look away. And I feel cheap if we're out and we do that sort of thing. I think our displays of affection should be kept to ourselves.