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Old 09-02-2003, 07:22 PM   #165 (permalink)
Location: Utah
Growing up normal is what other people were.
Normal is all I wished I could be.
Jealous of kids that lived normal lives,
wanting a normal dinner just once.
The teens were not normal for me,
the normal ones had what I could'nt get.
My drinking was normal, if I'd been a fish,
the normal life of a drug addict fool.
I quit like the normal alcholics could quit,
and now I'm afraid of winding up normal.
Normal to me, is now what i fear,
the normal folks scare me when they lurk about.
Today I am me, and me is'nt normal,
I'm happy to be other than normal.
You see, just to me, normal's not normal,
abnormal is normal if you get my meaning.
A twist on this word of the normal word writer,
a lesson in normal from one that is ?
Are you getting sick of reading of normal,
or is it becoming normal to read this short word.
Normal noooorrrmall normaaaallll I'm insane,
haha ho ho he he hhaa ha hooeee who's normal
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart
J.R.V.A. is offline  

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