Help! - I call on the CLI gods of this forum to come down and work on my behalf! Just name the sacrifice!...Hello....Helooooo?
Anyhow- I'm having trouble as a command-line newbie. I am working through Mac OSX unleashed, and the su and sudo commands that worked before now refuse to accept any input from the keyboard other than RETURN.
I have recently set up root, installed developer tools, X11, fink, fink commander, and then uninstalled fink commander, thinking the setuid function was messing things up. No dice. I can still unlock files via the GUI, so it seems to be strictly a CLI issue to me. I am new to this, so I assume only as much as I have to to work.
I am on a Mac Power PC G4 running OS version 10.2.6 and my CLI installs are all up to date from soundforge and apples app.s pages. Everything works except things that need passwords, like installing or using commander to install app.s.
I apologize if the solution is obvious. I have been regarding this as an opportunity to learn, but have checked out anything I could find and have waited for a reply from the OSX unleashed forum, but I'm not as confident in their replies ( if I got an answer that is) as I am in TFP's users. Here's to hope! Please?