On the
Experimenting with light... a lighthouse thread I attempted to combine good parts from three different photos into one.
I started out with the fifth picture as the base. Then I took the tenth picture and selected the sky portion and pasted it as a new layer and made it about 60% or so. I aligned the sky to match with the mountains as best I could (they were just slightly different) then returned it to full opacity. I used the brush tool to get rid of blurry mountain lines. Then I used the heal and smudge tools to stretch the light sky over the darker one. There was less light sky in the original paste than there is in the base photo. I rotated the third picture to be straight and selected the lighthouse and pasted that as a new layer. Then used heal and brush to fill in and match up the edges of the lighthouse to the rest of the picture.
I think if I were to attempt that again I wouldn't have used a soft edge heal around the lighthouse because it looks fuzzy now. Oh well.