Amen bruthas & sistas on taking our country back from the moneyed interests! ( As I wait for a student loan that guarantees servitude to the corporate tit

) Fucked poor & sucked in by promises of a better life of service to the businessman. Damn! Or I could grow and smoke dope in the wild until I get a tooth abcess that tunnels into my brain and I die from lack of dentistry. I digress..
Aren't we forgetting that plenty of money is generated by the war on drugs? Maybe cause the only people to see it are the people in the public service sector and especially the politicians getting campaign finance kickbacks from institutional service corporations like Sysco Foods and Fort Howard Paper that are awarded ongoing contracts. Don't forget that cops and criminals both make their livings off of the inflated costs of the drug war through taxes and outrageous street value.
I've smoked for years, and when I abuse I do get foggy and dumb. That's what it feels like to have one's synapses insulated with plaque and THC until the neural network has difficulty routing around bad pathways. You who think it is benign are inexperienced and/ or still in the early stages. Addiction has a "critical mass" in that suddenly it's hard to quit, and soon after that the damage becomes apparent. I believe my synapses have cleared out now, but I'll never really know. The half-assed life I lived has left me with many regrets and karma that's no fun, let me tell ya. Looking back over the years and the corresponding coulda/ woulda/ shoulda's would be less painful if I had the ability to remember the steps along the way. Do you sober folks have the ability to trace back over the years and remember what you were thinking as you passed milestones and made decisions? I mostly followed my gut and intellect, which have changed significantly with less use.
Legalize it, but people gotta be developed enough to handle it. ( Same thing for gun laws.)