Originally posted by Lasereth
I wouldn't be purchasing a GeForce FX 5900 right now. NVIDIA shipped a cubic asslode of faulty ones out to various big-name manufacturers. I got two of them and had to RMA both of them back. It's a great card if you get a good one, but good luck if you try for it.
Under $200.00? I'd get a Radeon 9800 128 MB. The cheapest ones are right under two hundred bucks. That, or save some money and get a GeForce 4 TI 4600 or Radeon 9500 Pro.
I think that the quality of NVidia stuff is good. You'll hear stories of unreliable cards on both sides of the fence. I had a friend who had to RMA a Radeon 9800 Pro twice, first because of instability problems and again because the fan fell off and the chip fried itself. I think the GeForce cards in the same class as the Radeon 9800 are pretty good.
Another thing is those sub-$200 Radeon 9800's are probably 9800 SE's. The SE means 4 pixel pipelines instead of 8, and lower clockspeed than the "normal" 9800's... significantly less performance. Might as well get a Radeon 9600 Pro and save the $$$, it'll only run you like $120-130. Seems like cards jump from the ~$140 range to ~$250 anyway, so you can either get a cheap, moderately good card, or pay up the nose for a better one, not much in between.