Originally posted by Cowman
Cowlick: If you don't eat a lot, then yeah you'll gain muscle for a bit, but eventually you'll come to a halt. How do you expect your body to gain mass, if you're not putting that mass into your body in the first place?
It's called a "clean bulk' and it takes longer, but has a much better look and is a lot healthier for your body then just getting fat layer over your muscles that you will inevitably have to go into a cut cycle to remove. The problem with wanting to get big and not having the correct information is that you will end up a thick fatty mess that looks big in long sleeves but horrible when the shirt comes off.
For proper mass gains, eat clean and eat more calories then you are supposed to be taking in daily (go find out what your BMR is), make sure you are getting plenty of protein, and keep consistant on your workouts (weights AND cardio). Don't listen to anybody who says to eat whatever you can because you will have wasted a lot of your life and end up very unsatisfied with the results. Not only is misinformation a waste of time, but it is very unhealthy as well.
For a more accurate guestimate on how long it will take, post a pic of your frame and one of the body you aspire to look like and we can give you a better idea.