Keep in mind , if you are pressed for time a work-out buddy can severly slow you down. While it is a good idea to take rests in between sets, a workout buddy may end up stretching your rest-time in between sets to like 5 or 10 minutes. Eventually those minutes start to add up and it could take you 2 hours to do a workout then you may be able to complete in 50 minutes by yourself.
Of course, you will need a buddy to do things like benching and perhaps for fly's(I think thats what they're called?) and a few other things, but you could always ask someone else who's in the gym(if you're going to a public one) for some help..from my experience even the biggest guys in the gym are usually pretty nice and helpful.
Cowlick: If you don't eat a lot, then yeah you'll gain muscle for a bit, but eventually you'll come to a halt. How do you expect your body to gain mass, if you're not putting that mass into your body in the first place?
Also, while you may get big results in 6 months, you shouldn't play/and or hope for it. Everyone's body is different, and it could take you years to achieve what you dream of. Like you can see from a thread I posted the other day, I havn't been making the biggest gains over the past few months, but it hasn't discouraged me because I enjoy going the gym. Getting those big muscles has almost taken the back-burner to simply enjoying the time I spend in the gym. If it's not fun, then find another way for excersize because you're not going to get ANY results if you're not enjoying it.
You don't like my point of view..but im insane
Last edited by Cowman; 09-01-2003 at 05:48 PM..