The poor people still are paying a shitload of the taxes. I mean really if you are making minimum wage you shouldn't be paying *any* taxes hell 40 hours at minimum wage still leaves well below the poverty line. I am (temporarily) a poor person (age, full time student) and so are most of my friends (though some of them are more permanently poor) and let me tell you... the government still takes a huge bite. Its an even bigger and nastier bite when you realize that Social Security is just another tax, which is not applied to the rich proportionally. (once you hit a certain income you stop paying a % on all you earn over that) The working poor loose about 30% of their income to taxes and S.S. I know I'm down here in the trenches.
As far as blue collar jobs going overseas... yes they are, but there is no solution to that. Corporate wellfare will only slow down the exodus as long as you are giving up everything you gained by having them here. Tariffs never work. This is a facet where we just loose, and should try to make it hurt as little as possible. Oh and its not just blue collar jobs that are leaving, many white collar ones are going too. If you have a rational plan for combating job export I would love to hear it.
Use the star one and you'll be fighting off the old ones with your bare hands
-A Shoggoth on the Roof