One of those being that Homosexuals claim "they are born that way".
My uncle is gay, one of my friends I've known a really long time is gay. They both say they were born that way, and my friend noticably *always* has been different.
When you can get a penguin to give informed consent to be married, then i say you can go for it. But that's going to be a damn smart penguin. There is no slippery slope towards bestiality, since NO animal can give consent.
I can speak penguin. It told me. Stop repressing me!
The slippery-slope argument that if we allow gays to be married that somehow is will lead to humans getting married to animals is completely stupid.
They are both equally invalid. They both equally fail to meet the qualifications, they are both equally nonfunctional, they are equal as far as how close to be qualified for marriage they are.