Originally posted by Stiltzkin
One more thing bugs me though... how in the world did they find my IP address? Does the main server that sends out this nonsense keep a database of active IP addresses? This is why I think something may have spread onto my PC. Either they found my IP address by some off chance so they can keep spamming me, or my computer itself is infected with some crap that is sending windows messages to itself. Agghh... I really don't know. Too tired to think now. Need to get some sleep
All it does is scan through IPs and send to all of them. If it works, great, if not, no loss on their part. So, you don't need to "get" anything for them to "find" your IP address. It's basically the same as if telemarketers called random numbers and hoped they worked. So don't get too worried about having a trojan or anything because of this.
What's sad about the site you showed is that unluckily, uninformed people will pay to get that product to stop the messages when all they have to do is change a simple setting.
By the way, there have been a few threads on this already in Tilted Computers

Try using the search engine a little more