Thanks, I appreciate it. Well, as promised, here is one of those annoying things:
Either way, this jerk is abusing this... whatever it is, to sell his crap. That's really what pisses me off.
Unfortunately I first have to reset my router because, which is it's default address, no longer seems to work. It's late, and I'll have to do all the fixing tomorrow.
EDIT: I disabled this thing before, now that ya mention it... problem is I forgot to set the startup type as "disabled". Hope this'll stop the nonsense already. Anyways, much thanks
One more thing bugs me though... how in the world did they find my IP address? Does the main server that sends out this nonsense keep a database of active IP addresses? This is why I think something may have spread onto my PC. Either they found my IP address by some off chance so they can keep spamming me, or my computer itself is infected with some crap that is sending windows messages to itself. Agghh... I really don't know. Too tired to think now. Need to get some sleep