What the study showed was not that our brains are built the same but their functions are the same. As for head starts, I still withold my point that it is simply what we learn that define our skills, it may be that we, through the relentless course of evolution, have evolved ways that makes it eaisier for men to learn math and spatial abilities as women have it easier to learn multitasking and language.
But in the long term male and female intelligence both in the math department as well as the language skills are the same.
We grow up differently, women mature faster creating a difference betwen them and the males in their age. Male maturing cateches up and around the age 20-25 all the differences are gone.
I have met women who can't walk and chew at the same time. and I have met male fighterpilots (i admit i have never met a female one) that use multitasking skills to such extreme levels that most women can't mimic them even if their life depended on it.
I have several female friends who calculate third degree equations in their heads with the ease and skill of a computer.
I know men who can't calculate the area of a square with the aid of a calculator.
As we begin our lives, during our childhood and through our teenage phase we are different, but when we reach 25 we are exactly at the same level because we learn to overcome our differences.
Life is shit,
Death is even worse,
So what's the point of killing yourself?
/Ignatius Camryn Paladine