But they do deserve to have the same opportunities as each other.
I agree!
Originally posted by Regziever
I don't know where I read it but it was a verry big study in Sweden a while back to see if there was any difference between men and women when it came to intelligence, problemsolving and logical calculations. The study concluded that there were absolutly no difference between men and women when it comes to thinking matters (and no the size of the brain doesn't matter it is how you use it (honestly no phun intended) .. just look at Einstein his brain was 30% smaller than the average male brain).
I disagree with you on this. I think men and women are hardwired differently because there are numerous studies (not just one big one) that prove that in many aspects of our brain, we are different. Sure, a man can eventually become up to par with the language of an average woman with some effort. And a woman can become equal in skill level at math as a typical man. However, coming to the same conclusion in math does not mean their brains are exactly the same.
It's been shown again and again that men and women's brains are mapped differently, which explains why men have a head start for some things and vice versa. For instance, when men get into a car accident and their left side of the brain is damaged they are more likely to lose speech/language skill than women. This is because men's language area is located only on the left side of the brain. Women, however, process language on the right and left side of the brain, so if the right side is damaged, they're more likely to maintain or have less loss of their language skill than men. This is because they have the right side they can rely on whereas men do not. Google: Yale research men women read brain. More info on this here:
The Yale Herald: Rhyming tasks male and female brains differently.
Even if you can state one site, I am not convinced because studies overwhelmingly show the opposite: Our brains are different.
More articles:
Google words: men women sex (or sexual) brain different