Originally posted by angela146
However, I assert that the primary cause of those women's inequality is their own choice to be unequal and/or their unwillingness to do what it takes to be equal (i.e. they're slackers)
I think men and women are very different, but I like this statement. I think it probably explains a lot. My own experience backs it up. I went to a university focused on science, math, and engineering. We had around 30% women (and they were admitted more easily too). Most of them were not attractive. The top few most attractive girls in each freshman class usually did not end up graduating.
There are several possible reasons for these observations, but I think that motivation is a main one. Attractive women get a free ride in anything they do, and that has to be a very tempting power (even if its not consciously used that way). Hence attractive women would be less likely to work hard on anything academic. That could explain why the women were so plain.
I saw this effect in action a little too. Those hottest women that didn't graduate wouldn't have been so special in a normal high school, yet they were suddenly worshipped by almost everyone around them. The attention often destroyed their work ethic in one way or another.