Originally posted by bad30th
Riiight. How many cars you worked on in your life? ok. Come talk to me when YOU know something instead of going off of others' anecdotal experiences.
And i love how people discount the F-Body simply because they arent making them anymore. How many sports cars have been killed in the history of the automobile? Does that mean they arent worth mentioning because they dont make them anymore?? Thats is the most asenine logic i have ever heard.
Wait. So in order to have any valid opinions about what is and is not a sports car, I have to have worked on a lot of cars? And you talk about asinine logic? Doesn't matter though because I have worked on a lot of cars. American and import. I never said the Camaro wasn't cool, I said it was being discontinued. That means customers aren't buying it. The miata isn't being discontinued, which means customers ARE buying it. Obviously, the miata has something that the public wants that the camaro lacks. Also obviously, more than just women are buying the Miata because if it was only driven by women it would be cancelled since cutting the potential customer base in half would mean there wouldn't be enough people who liked and could afford the miata to keep it going. The camaro is worth mentioning, just as all the other great sports and muscle cars that are no longer being made are worth mentioning, but the fact is that it lacks the sense of refinement and nimbleness which is the essence of a real sports car.
And surely you are not going to sit there and try to tell me that the V6 camaro was worthy of any notice?
By the way, when did I go off other's anecdotal experiences as you accuse me of doing? Come back to me when you've learned how to properly read a post and respond to it without a huge chip on your shoulder.