March, 2a.m. snowing and cold lots of slush and ice on the road. 1992 Jeep wrangler pulling a 4' X 5' utility trailer. Daughter asleep in front seat wife asleep in back seat with dog (big German Shepherd). I used all of my washer fluid keeping the windows clear. Quick (too quick) stop at gas station added washer fluid closed hood didn't latch side latches, I've forgot them before no problem. Back on the interstate hit 70 mph, yes probably way to fast for existing conditions. The center hood latch doesn't hold this time. Hood flies up bending itself over the windshield frame. now it is time to stop, daughter and wife screaming (not the way to wake them up) Dog barking right behind me. Visibility a small triangle to the edge of the front window between the frame and the hood. Hit the brakes trailer starts to pass, let off brakes trailer goes back where it belongs, ease on the brakes here comes the trailer trying to pass again (bad versions of poop and fornicate said repeatedly). Stiil can't see anything but white dotted line down center of road at 55-60mph. Cuss, brake, cuss, brake, cuss trailer, brake and on and on. finally stopped in middle of road lay hood down.
Wife: Holy Sh#t the window is shattered.
Daughter: It is all f#$ked up (Where did she learn that word way to young to be saying it)
I get in and get off side of road had better vision with hood up than I do now lights from oncoming cars really reflect weird through destroyed windshield.
Bent hood so I could get side hooks hooked and limp to next gas station. Lots of beating and bending so hood doesn't rub through radiator hose, man it is colder then #@!# out here. Dog still barking.
Daughter: Hey when you touch the window it moves back and forth.
Clear packing tape on inside and out of window (just in case). 3 a.m. back on the road get to moms house for vacation at 930 a.m. no more incidence wife and daughter tried to sleep but everytime I used wipers they made noise and startled dog awake (yes he slept some) when he is startled awake he tends to wake up barking until whatever woke him up is deaf. wife and daughter thinking of wrapping him in tinfoil and putting him on headers. My rejection of that idea almost causes mutiny. Luckily for dog I am only one brave (stupid) enough to drive., so the dog lives.
2 Chrome Latches: 22.00
Not hooking those latches: New hood, Windshield Frame, 2 windows (one replaced in CO broke it trying to get it out for replacement of bent window frame when I got back home to CA)
The thrill of a lifetime : Priceless
Last edited by mvassek; 08-31-2003 at 06:52 PM..