"Faith" is an action, based on a belief.
Christianity-ie, the determined adherence to the teachings and instruction of the Christ (Messiah), and modeling of the adherent's life to that of the example of the Christ (Messiah). is not supposed to be a "Religion", it is supposed to be a way of life.
Institutionalizing this way of life lead to traditions, corruption and forced actions of others to a way of life which by definition is a personal choice.
Jesus did not demand that anyone follow Him. He invited them to follow Him. His Apostles taught the same thing- that following the teachings of the Messiah of Israel resulted in peace of mind, body and spirit, refreshing tof the spirit and soul, communication with God through Jesus and blessings upon the adherent, the adherent's children and spouse.
The main and consistent teaching of Jesus was to Love God with all your heart , mind and spirit, and in so doing, you would love your neighbor (those you came into contact with) and yourself as a unique and wonderful creation of a very loving God, and receive salvation from your sins.
This salvation was not a meritorious award. It was not a reward for good works done or points earned. The beauty in the teachings of Jesus is that salvation and communion with a very loving God was available to everyone as a free gift from God to His children by way of the work that JESUS accomplished.
Catholicism and Christianity are two completely different animals.
According to the book of Jude, Jesus is the only High Priest needed to intercess between God and Man.
The Crusades and Inquisition were a concoction of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The witch hunts were the concoction of the misguided people who forgot that Jesus was in charge and His followers were to do as He commanded, not take matters into their own hands.
The Christ (Messiah) taught patience, love, kindness and reliance upon a God who is in control of things and worth deferring to. He taught abandoning conventional thinking in order to gain real insight and wisdom and an abundant life through God.
All other teachers and philosophers spoke of many things that contained much truth, but ultimately, they all demanded that although they knew the truth, they truth began someplace other than them. Jesus was the only one who demanded that He WAS the truth and the only way to get to heaven and gain salvation was through HIM.
That upsets a lot of people who think they can tell God how to run things and that they are the arbitors of their own salvation.
It is understandable, but ultimately undo-able.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"