Shakran, I'm with ya. We're on the same page, to an extent. I have a CCW. Do I carry a gun? Not usually. I carry a knife. I don't have a gun at my bedside, but I do have a horkin' big knife (I figure I don't trust my judgement waking up in the middle of the night and don't want to accidentally pop a round into a dressing gown hung on the door).
I've shot all my life, literally. I like guns. Own quite a few of 'em. I've carried a knife on my person for about 90% of my life as well. I like knives, own plenty of 'em. I've trained in various martial arts forms and know a bit about knife defense as well as gun defense. I spent a bit of time training in Kali-Silat so I know what to do with a knife in my hand.
I would still rather have a gun.
I disagree on your statement that most muggings occur in trapping range. We apparently either have a different opinion of trapping range (ie grappling range but still standing, at least in my book), or you are reading radically different statistics on crime scenarios. And I still say that almost every argument you've given against a gun (many of which deal with weapon retention) are equally applicable to knives.
I understand your argument on false sense of security, but I don't agree with it. I personally think that the average person is actually more secure with a gun than with a knife simply because brandishing a gun will usually make an assailant flee, regardless of how he is armed. Brandishing a knife is sometimes seen as a challenge, wanting a fight. In the vast majority of situations where a citizen pulls a guin on a crook, the situation is resolved peacefully. (John Lott, "More guns, less crime" based off of DOJ, FBI, and other statistics)
As I have referred to, I want every advantage I can gracefully assume. That means I want range just in case the other guy has. Please remember though, I still carry a knife constantly, and do so even when armed with a handgun or otherwise. I'm a big believer in the efficacy of blades when proiperly wielded.
Can't beat the option of range though.