Dont forget when comparing the reps that you should correct for bodyweight. Which is why often smaller people with less to lift and less distance to move can often outshine the larger people.
Also the advantage is doing antagonist muscles ie opposites functions of movement. Example the biceps bends the elbow while the tricep straightens the elbow. The nerves that supply both work as a team. Obviously you cannot bend and straighten at the same time, you can but an equal force of both will result in no movemnet at all, I digress. When you do a bicep curl the nerve to the tricep FORCES it to relax and thus it gets an excellent rest. The same when the tricep extends, the bicep nerve makes the bicep relax. This is called reciprocal inhibition.
So when you have the CV fitness to be able to train the antagonist pairs with supersets and moderate rest i.e. 4 minutes for a superset of one set of each opposite muscle and a rest before you start again. You will have a challenging but very growth stimulating workout.
Bon appetite ...
Forgiveness is like the fragrance a flower gives after it's been stepped on.