Firstly, thank you for your reply
Lets start with this programme for the first four weeks
Day 1. - Chest & Back
Day 2. - Thighs, Hamstrings and Calves
Day 3. - Shoulders & Arms
Day 4. - No Weights
Day 5. - Chest & Back
Day 6. - Thighs & Hamstrings
Day 7. - REST or some form of fun cardio type exercise ONLY
Now I want you to pick the following amount of exercises for the bodyparts listed and post them so we can discuss your strengths and weaknesses wrt exercise selection
Chest = 4 exercises
Back = 4 exercise
Thighs = 3 exercises
Hamstrings = 2 exercises
Calves = 2 exercises
Shoulders = 3 exercises
Triceps = 2 exercises
Biceps = 2 exercises
When we agree on the exercises we can discuss volume i.e. reps and sets and total tonnage lifted per workout / week.
You really need to increase your protein intake and most importantly the distribution of this protein over the day. Also we will need to discuss your essential fatty acid intake.
I want you to do your weights 1st then cardio second.
Of course a non-specific warmup can be 5 minutes of treadmill / stationary bike or real world activity.
Do you weigh yourself before & after each training session?
Do you take a supplement before and/or after your training session?
Do you take any thermogenic substances? i.e. like caffeine or a EAC stack?
Forgiveness is like the fragrance a flower gives after it's been stepped on.